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Australian High Power Rifle

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Classification (Grading)

Classification:  for International Match Course (NRA NMC).

Classification (Grading) Scores & Percentages
Based on IMC (NRA NMC) Only, by iron sight rifles only.


Required %

Required Score
50 Shot Match

Required Score
80 Shot Match

High Master (HM)

97% plus

485 or over

776 or over

Master (M)

94% - 96.99%

470 - 484

752 - 775

Expert (EX)

89% - 93.99%

445 - 469

712 - 751

Sharpshooter (SS)

84% - 88.99%

420 - 444

672 - 712

Marksman (MK)

Below 84%

419 or less

671 or less

This is a grading system that addresses the ideal situation of having competitors of similar skill levels compete on a level playing field.  This type of system also gives shooters encouragement to practice towards increasing skills and classification.

Any shooter may record their results from registered matches, and subsequent classification, in a suitable classification (grade) card.  Only AIHPA, NRA (USA), HPRA (UK) or other international High Power Rifle club members (through affiliation or membership), will have their classification (grading) recognised at sanctioned tournaments.

Matches Used for Classification:
Classification is based on results from completion of the NRA National Match Course (IMC) only.

50, 80, or other Shots:
Where an IMC is run that has additional strings added to the course of fire, or if the match is a 50, 80 or 100 shot matchn, the classification percentage will be based on the total of the score against the possible for the match.

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Classification (Grading) System:
- Classification (grade) cards are available to all AIHPA members.

- Classification is based on the IMC only.

- Classification is based on all iron sight rifle specs only.  Optical rifle Specs are ungraded (“Open”).

- Classification is based on result attained from registered matches only.

- Classification of a shooter must remain “current” by having completed a minimum of 3x registered International Match Courses within 12 months of the to-be contested event.

-  Club results from matches that are not sanctioned are not accepted or considered part of a shooter classification make-up at sanctioned events where classification is required.

- Classification (grade) cards may only be signed by AIHPA committee, recognised club captains, event organisers or delegates.

Initial Classification:
 - Unclassified (ungraded) shooters, OR shooters with grade cards that are not current, may be classed as Master only if 3x, or more, Master classified entrants contest that grade.  Otherwise, the shooter will contest as “Open” (ungraded-outright).

- The classification of a new, or unclassified, competitor is established after completing 3x registered International Match Course results.  Classification will be equal to the average of these 3 results (per classification table).

Final Classification:
-  A shooter has final (current) classification equal to the 3x highest IMC results over any period.

- A competitor is reclassified equal to the 3x highest IMC results over any period of time.  Example, if a shooter is currently “Marksman” and shoots 1x “Master” result and 2x “Expert” results, then that shooters’ new grade is “Expert”.

 - A shooter may be classified down after 12 IMC results, only by applying to the National High Power Rifle Coordinator in writing.  This request is reviewed if that shooters’ current classification has not been reached by any of the last 12 results, assuming that each match was completed and there were no outside factors that resulted in a reduced performance.

Tip: Shooters are recommended to photo copy their grade card every 6 months in case of loss.  A $50 administrative fee will be charged for grade card replacement with records.

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